About Us

Cook On Monday is a food blog found by Yester Banuchyan and managed by 2 other passionate food lovers: Harsh Paul and Regine Bernardo.

Let’s introduce the amazing team!

Yester Banuchyan – Founder

Yester is a specialist with in-depth knowledge of Mediterranean and American cuisine. As she bridges the gap between the cooking styles of these two famous cuisines, she brings a flamboyance to her recipes with unique tastes and ideas. 

Harsh Paul – Editor/Writer

Harsh is an avid food lover and the editor on Cook On Monday. He loves to experiment with recipes, in the hopes of finding something that can be the right fit. He has a knowledge of ingredients and foods from around the world and puts it to good use in creating informative content for our website.

Regine Bernardo – Writer

Regine is a culinary expert with deep and wondrous knowledge of cooking. She has an uncanny talent of knowing what makes food enjoyable to even the most discerning palate. Her expertise in cooking and knowing how various elements of recipes come together to create magic is unparalleled.

Our Goal

Our goal is to offer convenient and easy to follow advice, food substitution for recipes, useful information, and recipes.

We cover exotic food as well as simple snacks to make sure there is something for every food lover out there.

Most of us desire to enjoy and experience foods and recipes from around the world. Thankfully, we have access to some of the most exotic foods and recipes the world has to offer.

However, the ingredients are a whole other story. 

We might occasionally run into an ingredient that’s not as easily available, or simply not at hand when our recipe needs it the most! 

That’s when finding a useful food substitute for the recipe can save the day!

We offer plenty of advice on best substitution for your cooking. This way, you can manage recipes to work with various food, dietary, or personal preferences and still whip up a wonderful dish. 

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or just someone starting to spread their culinary wings, we hope to be a resource you can rely on.