8 Flaxseed Substitutes to Incorporate in Your Recipe

Flaxseed Substitute

A superfood celebrated for its nutritional content, flaxseed has become a popular addition in many recipes. It does not only add health benefits to a meal but also an enjoyable texture and subtle taste. If you’re a fan of this seed and find you’ve run out of stock, check out your pantry for flaxseed substitutes that you may already have. 

Try using these flaxseed substitutes for your dish: 

1. Chia seeds

A similar alternative for flaxseed in terms of nutrition and use are chia seeds. This would go well in many of the same recipes you would use flaxseeds in.

Chia seeds are also a superfood like flaxseed. It is rich in fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are beneficial for your bone and heart health as well as managing your blood sugar levels.

Chia seeds can be used as a binder for baked goods and as a thickening agent for sauces and purees. You can also add a sprinkle of these to your smoothies, cereals, salads, or soups.

2. Psyllium

Known for its helpful effects for gastrointestinal health, psyllium can also serve as a replacement for flaxseeds. Its nutritional content is not as high as flaxseed but it has its own worth. It can help against constipation, lower cholesterol, and promote fullness. 

A word of caution: psyllium is used as a laxative due to its components. It is a positive thing for your digestive health but it may also cause some sensitivities so consume it sparingly during your first few tries.

Psyllium can be consumed with just water or fruit juice but you can also use it as an ingredient on some dishes. You can add it to soups, stews, vegetables, and baked goods.

3. Wheat Germ

Best sub for flax seeds when it comes to baking goods is wheat germ. It comes from the embryo of a wheat kernel which is separated during the milling process. It is known as the most vitamin-rich and mineral-rich part of wheat.

This food product is an excellent choice if you hope to replace flaxseed with one that also has a variety of minerals, vitamins, and good fiber content. With these qualities, you can effectively boost your immune system while enjoying your food. 

While wheat germ is often used for baking muffins, cookies, and breads, it is also a tasty topping or breading. With its mild nutty flavor, you can use it to top yogurt, ice cream, smoothies or cereals. Try adding it in casseroles and meatballs.

4. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds are also rich in nutrients and can make for a doable sub for flaxseed. While its nutritional profile is good, it’s quite different from flax seeds. Regardless, you can use it for some recipes if you’re in a pinch.

The seed is high in fat and calories so you don’t need a lot for your dish. It is also advisable to consume sparingly if you’re looking out for your weight. But this flaxseed alternative is a lot more versatile. You can use it in baking, cooking, snacks, salads, and smoothies.

5. Almond Flour

Another sub for flax seeds in baking is almond flour. There are also plenty of potential health benefits in using this flour including improved blood sugar levels and minimized risks of cardiovascular diseases.

With its high fat content, almond flour can offer a special texture for your baked goods that could result in a softer, more moist product. It’s ideal for cookies, cakes, and breads. 

6. Tofu

It’s not a seed or grain but tofu can work as a binding agent for some recipes. As such, you can use this nutritious vegan-friendly food in place of flax seeds.

Tofu’s benefits include keeping your colon healthy and improving your memory and brain health. Try using it for some recipes like desserts you would use flax seeds in.

7. Yogurt 

If you’re truly in a pinch and need something healthy for adding moisture and baking your baked goods, try yogurt. It’s super different from flaxseed in texture and taste but if you’re just after function, try this option.

Yogurt is high in calcium, protein, and probiotics. The latter component is yogurt’s popular health benefit as it can help with gut health. So, if you’re hoping to use flaxseed in hopes of improving your digestion, you can use yogurt instead.

You can use yogurt as a leavener and binding agent for some recipes including brownies, cakes, cookies, and breads.

8. Banana

Especially for desserts, you can use pureed bananas to add in your dessert or act as a binding agent or main ingredient for your recipe. It can also work for baked recipes like banana muffins and banana bread.

Related FAQs

Is it good to eat flaxseed?

With the benefit of lowering cholesterol levels, stabilizing blood sugar levels and blood pressure, and positively managing weight, flaxseed is a must-have ingredient for a better diet.

Aside from its good nutrition, flaxseed complements a variety of recipes with its mild nutty flavor. You can use either ground flaxseed or whole ones in baked goods like bread, cake, and muffin. It is also commonly used in parfaits, yogurt, oatmeals, porridge, cereals, salads, and smoothies.

Delicious and nutritious, it is a good food to eat.

Is ground flaxseed the same as flaxseed?

The two are essentially the same thing except for their form. Regular flaxseed or the actual whole seed will add some crunch and texture to your meal whereas ground flaxseed gets incorporated in a dish for a smoother consistency. 

There is little difference in nutritional quality as well except some experts would suggest consuming ground flaxseed because it’s faster and easier to digest. 

What is the best substitute for flaxseed in smoothies?

Chia seeds are the best because of their nutrients. It also doesn’t have an imposing taste and can add some nibbly texture for your smoothies.

What is the most efficient substitute for flaxseed in baking?

You can use either almond flour or wheat germ in your baking recipes. These two options are the easiest to work with when it comes to your baked goods. They also both add a good nutty flavor for your treats.

To wrap it up

Flax seeds, also known as linseeds, are a great addition to your meal. If you don’t have these, don’t panic and check out the list of flaxseed substitutes above. Some of which may already be in your fridge or pantry. Just consider what recipe you’re making so you won’t mess up the flavor or taste with the alternative ingredient you’re going to use.