12 Wholesome Picnic Food Ideas That Are Full Of Goodness

A nice picnic and a wonderful meal are the quintessential combo, and pretty much one can’t go without the other! But while this tradition has stayed on for centuries, our food preferences haven’t! So, let’s look at some fresh and delicious picnic food ideas that will add wholesomeness and perhaps a bit of novelty to your trip

1. Sandwiches, Charcuterie, And Dessert

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Photo by @thefreshmarket

This set is a wholesome picnic meal for four. It includes sandwiches with cold cuts of meat, melons, and olive crisps. This one’s actually a picnic offering from a business. It’s a good buy, but also great inspiration if you want to make your own picnic meal. 

2. Grilled Caprese Steak Sandwich

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Photo by @eatpre_

The classic caprese sandwich has been a fixture on picnic tables for a long time now. Well, give tradition a twist with this wonderful grilled caprese steak sandwich. It’s got all the goodness of nutrition and the fun of grilling, which should add to the picnic spirit.

3. PB&J With Fruit

The classics never go out of style. The picnic meal certainly can benefit with the presence of some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches accompanied by some fresh fruit. Some creative serving goes a long way in making it all appetizing and enjoyable.

4. This Picnic Mealbox

Getting some good organization for the picnic meal can make a huge difference. It streamlines things and you can have delicious meals ready for everyone in an instant, well, provided you prepared it beforehand and put it in a box! Fruits, sandwiches, some veggies, or even a salad. It’s all fair game.

5. A Chicken Katsu Bento

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Photo by @tokyo.central

Bento boxes are all the rage, and for good reason! Wholesome meals carefully arranged and ready to eat is a wonderful way of preparing and packing food. Chicken katsu with rice looks like just the filling and enjoyable meal you’d want for a picnic.

6. A Classic Spread

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Photo by @dawndishwash 

Some choice slices of meat, the right bread, and you could whip up an excellent sandwich for the picnic. Pair it with some fresh fruit and you’ve got a picture-perfect picnic meal to enjoy. 

7. Sandwiches And Chips

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Photo by @thefoodgroupto

This photo shows off a wonderful picnic spread. Though it was originally created for a client, the food styling in the picture is definitely some top-grade inspiration. Some sandwiches with a serving of chips and some beverages is the way to go for an excellent picnic meal. 

8. A Food Platter

This serving idea looks wonderful. Also, it’s a great way for everyone to gather around, have a conversation, and enjoy some food. The combination of fruits, cheese, and perhaps some dip looks very enticing and quite the handful!

9. Side Salads, Desserts, And Beverages

Many famous picnic spots also offer the foods their patrons like to enjoy. They’re also careful to have the picnic theme and spirit flowing with the offerings. This combination of fruits, sides, salads, dessert, and beverages looks like just the right choice for picnic meals.

10. Turkey Bacon BLTs With Avocado

BLT – the combination of bacon, lettuce, and tomato is the heart of many sandwiches. This one uses turkey bacon, and gives the famous sandwich an added serving of avocado and spinach. The side dishes are an interesting idea, offering apples, cheese, nuts, and more. That sounds and looks like a fun meal.

11. A Classy Meal

No one said a picnic meal couldn’t look classy and gorgeous! This idea brings some classy inspiration and style to the picnic table, while keeping the classic picnic feel. Salads, fruits, and big fat BLTs make this a wholesome meal. The key, however, is presentation and styling the table.

12. Say It With Charcuterie 

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Photo by @chikitchenfoods 

Your choice of charcuterie with some fruits, nuts, and cheese. Now that’s a classic picnic table idea that’s never going out of style. Besides, it’s inherently versatile and the possibilities are infinite. A small dose of creativity would make this go a long way.