12 Wholesome Picnic Food Ideas That Are Full Of Goodness

6. A Classic Spread

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Photo by @dawndishwash 

Some choice slices of meat, the right bread, and you could whip up an excellent sandwich for the picnic. Pair it with some fresh fruit and you’ve got a picture-perfect picnic meal to enjoy. 

The classics never go out of style, and there’s good reason for that. A wonderful and hearty meal has always been the heart of a picnic, so it makes sense to continue with the same styling. Some meat, fresh bread, cheese, and fruits, like those we see here, are always a good idea. 

What items you specifically choose to carry is up to you, but make sure that’s something filling with a lot of flavors and amazing textures. 

7. Sandwiches And Chips

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Photo by @thefoodgroupto

This photo shows off a wonderful picnic spread. Though it was originally created for a client, the food styling in the picture is definitely some top-grade inspiration. Some sandwiches with a serving of chips and some beverages is the way to go for an excellent picnic meal. 

In my opinion, the simple plain potato chips are often underrated. While certainly, options with deeper flavors are more than welcome, the classic plain chip will always have its place. It works as a snack or a side dish, while also leaving room for you to add flavors and condiments of your choice.

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