11 Recipe Breakfast Ideas To Rejuvenate Your Mornings

What could you have for breakfast? The morning meal can have plenty of options, but since a lot of us are in a rush in the morning, breakfast can end up being formulaic.

Break that habit with these recipes and breakfast and inspiration to take your morning to a great start. Let’s get some inspiration flowing.

Top Breakfast Recipe Ideas And Inspiration

1. This High Protein Breakfast

Here’s a colorful and berry-full recipe if there ever was one! This protein-rich breakfast is full of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. They bring a touch of freshness, sweetness, and health to make a wonderfully fulfilling breakfast.

2. Easter Bunny Pancakes

Pancakes are the classic delicious breakfast. This one makes it power-packed by adding protein powder to the flour. To make things better, there are some strawberries, bananas, and blueberries in the mix. The pancakes are arranged in a bunny shape for the Easter theme, and that yogurt sprinkled with shredded coconut is a creative and tasteful way to get the bunny’s tail.

3. A Hash Brown Scramble Bowl

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Photo by Diana

Give your breakfast some style with this recipe that includes hash browns, chicken nuggets, and eggs. It’s nourishing, filling, and it’s delicious. Exactly the qualities you want in your breakfast!

4. This Pancake Breakfast

This breakfast plate could as well be a palate that showcases art! Brilliant in appearance, taste, and nourishment, this pancake breakfast is something to love.

The vibrant plate includes sweet potato nut butter pancakes, sliced avocado, an egg, and some fresh raspberries. Reach out for a bottle of maple syrup and enjoy this delish meal.

5. The Eggs And Avocado Plate

Here’s another vibrant delicacy for breakfast. This one features baby avo seeded toast, sauteed cremini mushrooms with spinach, and a touch of parmesan cheese over the mushrooms. The sliced tomatoes in the center add to the vibrant look, while also bringing flavor and texture to the meal. Looks like a breakfast treat!

6. A Wonderful Veggie Plate

A nourishing veggie plate looks like just the right start for the day. This one includes carrots roasted in ghee with a honey-garlic-sriracha sauce combination as the star of the show. It’s accompanied by broiled campari tomatoes, a fried egg, and sautéed garlicky spinach with cremini mushrooms. The sprinkling of parmesan cheese over the mushrooms adds more flavor and balance. 

7. Banana-based Paleo Breakfast

As the name implies, the star of the show and this plate are the mini pancakes made with two eggs and a banana. They’re appetizing and add quite a look and style to the plate. Accompanying these are sautéed spinach, raspberries, sliced avocado, and a fried egg. 

8. A Nut Butter Combo

The highlights of this breakfast idea are the two toasts. One gets topped with nut butter of your choice (think peanut butter), while the other gets a helping of avocado. That’s quite a combination, in my opinion, with the contrast and style making a nice statement.

Other ingredients on the plate include a fried egg, sliced and fresh tomatoes, and sautéed spinach with a sprinkling of parmesan. Quite a start to the day!

9. A Protein-Packed Meal

This breakfast plate looks all kinds of beautiful and nourishing. Seared salmon takes a healthy portion of the plate both literally and figuratively. It helps that it’s accompanied by similarly healthy options like baby kale, grilled halloumi cheese, and some avocados. 

10. Savory Sweet Potato Pancakes

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Photo by Irena Macri

This breakfast plate would be incredible on its own, but the serving style takes it a notch further. The savory sweet potato pancakes are topped with smoked salmon to make this amazing gourmet meal. 

Other ingredients on the plate include some mayo to top the salmon and a nicely sliced cucumber that adds both freshness and texture to the recipe, while also bringing some balance. 

11. Banana Protein Pancake

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Photo by Linda Sun

Pancakes with some protein powder are a nice and power-packed way to start your day. This recipe also goes further with more healthy options, like adding a lot of fruit and peanut butter. So, you have bananas, blueberries, and strawberries, all added to the pancake meal as a way to a wonderful breakfast that’ll set your day on the right path!