8 Substitutes for Milk in Mashed Potatoes for a Smooth and Creamy Result

It’s not a secret that mashed potatoes taste marvelous when they are made with milk. What to do if this special ingredient is missing from your table and you don’t want to skip it? There are many substitutes for milk in mashed potatoes and there is no need to worry. 

Let us help you prepare this subtle dish keeping its smooth texture and creaminess without using milk. 

The best substitutes are butter, water, potato cooking stock, heavy cream, vegetable stock, vegan milks, sour cream, Greek yogurt and Chicken broth.

1. Butter

Butter is the number one substitute for milk in mashed potatoes. Depending on your preferences you can use either dairy or non-dairy butter in this dish.

You will get a rich and buttery taste with a creamy texture. When using butter make sure it is melted. 

2. Water or Potato Cooking Stock 

Let’s say this is a good way to skip adding milk as well as avoid adding any substitute. We can make this dish just with the help of the same water where potatoes are boiled. In case you haven’t saved that stock, you can add lukewarm water instead of milk and mash the potatoes. 

Of course, it won’t have that milky flavor and smooth-creamy texture but you will still get a similar result with a little bit of grainy texture. 

3. Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is another dairy product with a milky taste and texture. It can help you get the same creamy result as in the case of milk. The taste will be mild and milky, and you will be satisfied with its performance in your recipe. 

4. Vegetable Stock

Besides potato stock, you can also use other vegetable stocks which will add a savory flavor, some saltiness and a richer taste. This is a great idea for vegetarians and it works the same way as milk. 

Compared to milk, vegetable stock is thinner in texture which means you should start adding  in small quantities and mash. Once you reach the desired creamy texture you can add the seasonings and herbs as thickeners. 

5. Vegan Milks: Coconut Milk, Almond Milk, Soy Milk

Plant-based milks such as coconut milk, almond milk and soy milk are often used to replace milk in different recipes. This is good news for lactose-intolerant people as well as for your vegetarian guests. 

Vegan milks work the same way as milk, only with a slightly different flavor depending on which one you choose to use. While coconut and almond milks have specific flavors, soy milk comes with a neutral creamy taste and won’t change the flavor of your dish. 

6. Sour Cream 

If you have sour cream in hand, you can also use it instead of milk in mashed potatoes. Since it has a thicker texture and comes with a tangy flavor, you may use half a cup of sour cream in place of every cup of milk. This way you’ll balance both the flavor and the texture of the meal. 

7. Greek Yogurt

Compared to sour cream, greek yogurt has a rather neutral taste. It comes with a similar texture to sour cream but its light creaminess allows it to provide a smooth, fluffy and soft texture. Use half cup of Greek yogurt to substitute 1 cup of milk. 

8. Chicken broth

Chicken broth will add a savory note to the potatoes. If you want something with a little more depth of flavor, chicken broth is an excellent choice. It will also cut the fat down substantially. Personally, chicken broth is my favorite substitution.

How to make mashed potatoes without milk (with Butter)?

Mashed potatoes is one of the most effortless dishes for holidays and although the traditional recipe calls for milk in its preparation, there is still a good solution for it if you want to make this dish without milk. 

It allows us to experiment with different flavors and seasonings. We can make dairy-free or vegan-friendly mashed potatoes using milk substitutes as well as herbs and condiments. 

So, we offer the easiest recipe for mashed potatoes without milk and here is the ingredients’ list. 


  • Potatoes
  • Butter
  • Garlic Powder
  • Salt and Pepper

How to Make:

As you see, we have chosen butter to substitute milk and it works perfectly with mashed potatoes giving it a smooth and creamy texture as well as keeping its mild flavor. 

First, put the potatoes in a pot, add cold water until they are covered and boil for about 25 minutes. 

Check whether they are soft enough and then take away from the heat. Drain it the way so that a little liquid remains. 

Add butter, garlic powder, salt and pepper and mash the potatoes until you get the desired smooth texture. 

The broth and butter will make it creamy and smooth while you mix. Now, you can enjoy it with greens or herbs added as a dressing. 

Can I use water instead of milk for mashed potatoes?

If you’re out of milk and need to make mashed potatoes, you can use water instead. This substitution will affect the flavor and texture of your dish. 

To make up for the lack of fat in water, add extra butter or cream to your mashed potatoes. This will help them taste richer and more flavorful. With a few simple adjustments, you can still enjoy delicious mashed potatoes even if you don’t have milk on hand.

Summing up

All in all, there are plenty of substitutes for milk in mashed potatoes. You may have to do a little experimenting to find the perfect one for your taste, but it’s definitely worth it. So next time you’re whipping up a batch of this classic comfort food, don’t be afraid to try something new – you might just love it!